Sunday, March 7, 2021

Go and Make Week 1 - "All In" - Pastor Joshua Miller

 Title: “ All In “


Disciple in the Greek= Mathaytes: means a learner, pupil, disciple- one who follows ones teaching

Opening verses: Matt 28:19-20, Luke 6:40

We will be looking at some defining marks of a disciple of Jesus Christ.

1. Character: John 13:33-34, 1 Cor 15:33

2. Conviction: John 14:15-16, Matt 7:13-14

3. Commitment: Luke 14:25-27,33, Gal 6:9

4. Contributes: John 15:8, Luke 10:2

Closing: (If you can show these one at a time. show the believer line first than add the disciple line 2nd and so on. also you don’t have to include the numbers I only put them so that we do miss any)

1. Believer: believes in God

    Disciple: lives for God

2. Believer: fits in the world

    Disciple: stands out

3. Believer: gives up when things get hard

    Disciple: carries their cross daily

4. Believer: picks and chooses what part of Jesus teachings to follow

    Disciple: works on all areas with the help of the Holy Spirit

5. Believer: casual faith

    Disciple: committed faith

6. Believer: wants an easy life

    Disciple: lays down their life

7. Believer: loves to receive

    Disciple: loves to serve

8. Believer: comfortable

    Disciple: ready for a challenge

9. Believer: believes faith is personal

    Disciple: makes more disciples

10. Believer: knows what God wants them to do but holds back

      Disciple: IS ALL IN!