Sunday, September 29, 2019

Money Matters Week 5 - Turning a Mountain into a Molehill - Pastor Joshua Miller

After a brief mini-sermon from Andrew, one of our young preachers, Pastor Josh wraps up the Money Matters series with a message entitled:  Turning a Mountain into a Molehill

In 2018 US consumer debt reached $13.3 Trillion!
Credit card: $834 Billion
Mortgage Debt: $9.4 Trillion
Personal loans: $291 Billion (fasted growing)
Student loans: 1.37 Trillion
Auto loans: 1.27 Trillion (avg payment $523)

Highest avg credit card debt balances
1. Alaska $8,174
2. New Jersey $7,511
3. Connecticut $7,490
4. DC $7,457
5. Virginia $7,351

Metro Market Areas
*Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk area $9,070
Opening verses: Psalms 37:21, Rom 13:8
1. Pray about it
Phil 4:6, 1 John 5:14
2. Develop a debt free mindset
Rom 12:2a
3. List your debts
4. Don’t add to the mountain
Prov 22:7
5. List your belongings
Prov 27:23
6. Establish a spending plan
Prov 21:20
7. Consider adding additional income
Prov 31:16-17, 24
8. Consider a radical change of lifestyle
1 Tim 6:6-7
9. Don’t give up
Gal 6:9

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Money Matters Week 4 - "Living on the Edge is Not God's Will For Us" - Widukind Nicholas

Brother Widukind Nicholas joins our September series, Money Matters

Text: Proverbs 6:6-8
I- We ought to be Diligent
- Proverbs 6:7
- Proverbs 10:4
- Proverbs 12:24
- Proverbs 21:5
II- we ought to be Intentional
- Proverbs 6:7
- Luke 14:28
- John 6:11
III- We ought to be Consistent
- Proverbs 6:8
- Proverbs 28:20
- Genesis 41:33-35

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Money Matters Week 3 - Mr Spend A Lot - Pastor Joshua Miller

Pastor Josh continues the September series "Money Matters" with a message about Mr. Spend A. Lot.

Opening verse: Prov 21:20
I. Prioritize your spending
2 Cor 9:6
Prov 21:20
*During this point I want to show 2 lists. The first list can be shown by itself first
Mr Spendalots way:
1. Lifestyle
2. Taxes
3. Debt repayment
4. Savings and investing
5. Giving
Result= overspent, stressed
*The second list below i am wanting to show side by side with the first one after I explain the first list.
Gods Way:
1. Giving
2. Saving and investing
3. Debt repayment
4. Taxes
5. Lifestyle
Result= content, secure 
II. Buy what you can afford 
-Prov 22:7
III. Be content with what you have
-Phil 4:12-13
IV. Look beyond your next check
-Gen 41:34-36

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Money Matters Week 2 - Investing Intro Eternity - Pastor Pedro Vazquez

Pastor Pedro Vazquez with a message called Investing Into Eternity
Pre-message clip:
Luke 16:8-9
I. Why do we Invest?
1. We Invest To Further God’s Work
Acts 4:33b – 4:35 Matthew 6:19-21
2. We Invest to Care for our Families.
Eccl. 5:13-14 Proverbs 22:6 NKJV Proverbs 13:22a
II. How should we make good Investment Decisions.
1. Before You Invest, Pay Off Your Debts
Proverbs 22:72. Before you Invest, Set Money aside in an Emergency Fund
Prov. 6:6-8
3. Before you Invest, Seek God’s Direction in Prayer & Counsel
James 1:5 Prov. 12:15
4. Diversify your Investments
Eccl. 11:1-2 (Both NIV & NLT)
Ecc 5:18-20

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Money Matters Week 1 - Who Am I? - Pastor Joshua Miller

Our September message series on Finance and Stewardship begins this week.
Watch video before listening to sermon:

Who Am I?
Main passage: Luke 16:8-13
I. Invest in people
Luke 16:8-9, Prov 11:25
II. Be faithful in the small things
Luke 16:10-11, Matt 25:21
III. Be faithful in what’s not yours
Luke 16:12, Psa 24:1
IV. Don’t be ruled by money
Luke 16:13, Luke 12:28-31