Sunday, January 24, 2021

Five Fold Week 4 "Poimaino" - Pastor Joshua Miller

 10 Things your pastor won’t tell you: Vanderbloemen: Tim Stevens

1. Sunday is not the only day I work

2. I’m on call 24/7

3. Marrying and burying people takes an emotional toll on me

4. Being a pastor can be a lonely position

5. I am often judged and criticized

6. It’s hard to hear constant criticism and varying opinions

7. I struggle with being a workaholic

8. Sometimes I want to talk about something besides church

9. It is challenging for me to keep my identity solely rooted in God and not in the success of the church

10. I don’t have all the answers

Let’s take a closer look at 3 key shepherding functions that are needed today

Main passage: John 21:15-19

Poimaino: tend as a shepherd, feed, rule. (Show definition after I read the main passage)

I. Caregiver

John 21:15, John 17:6-8

II. Peacemaker

John 21:16, Matt 5:9, John 17:20-21,

III. Relational

John 21:17, John 17:9-10

Here are the questions for the end you can put the characteristics first and than the questions

Shepherding Survey

Shepherding Characteristics:

People oriented, Relational, Peacemaker, Unifier, Soul-healer, Caregiver, Nurturing, Protector, Reconciler, Tenderhearted, Helper

Choose 2-3 of the characteristics above that best define you and why.

Can you think situation where you were able to bring peace in a difficult situation, what did that look like?

Why are Shepherding gifts needed in the body of Christ?

Can you think/describe a time when someone demonstrated shepherding gifts in a way that impacted you positively?

Can you think of some ways we can improve caring for each other at GLCC?