Central Text: Ephesians 4:11-13
I. Discipline Psalm 71:17 Micah 4:2 2 Tim. 3:16-17
II. Instruct Deut. 11:18-21 Acts 18:24-28
III. Disciple Matt. 4:19 Matt. 14:13-21 Acts 19:1-10
IV. Apply Matt. 28:19-20 2Tim. 2:2
Central Text: Ephesians 4:11-13
I. Discipline Psalm 71:17 Micah 4:2 2 Tim. 3:16-17
II. Instruct Deut. 11:18-21 Acts 18:24-28
III. Disciple Matt. 4:19 Matt. 14:13-21 Acts 19:1-10
IV. Apply Matt. 28:19-20 2Tim. 2:2
10 Things your pastor won’t tell you: Vanderbloemen: Tim Stevens
1. Sunday is not the only day I work
2. I’m on call 24/7
3. Marrying and burying people takes an emotional toll on me
4. Being a pastor can be a lonely position
5. I am often judged and criticized
6. It’s hard to hear constant criticism and varying opinions
7. I struggle with being a workaholic
8. Sometimes I want to talk about something besides church
9. It is challenging for me to keep my identity solely rooted in God and not in the success of the church
10. I don’t have all the answers
Let’s take a closer look at 3 key shepherding functions that are needed today
Main passage: John 21:15-19
Poimaino: tend as a shepherd, feed, rule. (Show definition after I read the main passage)
I. Caregiver
John 21:15, John 17:6-8
II. Peacemaker
John 21:16, Matt 5:9, John 17:20-21,
III. Relational
John 21:17, John 17:9-10
Here are the questions for the end you can put the characteristics first and than the questions
Shepherding Survey
Shepherding Characteristics:
People oriented, Relational, Peacemaker, Unifier, Soul-healer, Caregiver, Nurturing, Protector, Reconciler, Tenderhearted, Helper
Choose 2-3 of the characteristics above that best define you and why.
Can you think situation where you were able to bring peace in a difficult situation, what did that look like?
Why are Shepherding gifts needed in the body of Christ?
Can you think/describe a time when someone demonstrated shepherding gifts in a way that impacted you positively?
Can you think of some ways we can improve caring for each other at GLCC?
Title: Euangelion
Yes you are seeing right, the title is a look back on last month’s series.
*below you will see the attachment to display at the end as we have been doing the last two weeks.
Main Passages: Acts 8:4-13, 26-32
The book of Acts is full of examples of evangelism, today we will take a look at 5 evangelistic attributes demonstrated by Phillip.
I. Captivating
Acts 8:6, Acts 2:14
II. Agent of Joy
Acts 8:8, Rom 14:17
III. Influential
Acts 8:9-11, Acts 2:37, Acts 6:8-10
IV. Looks for divine appointments
Acts 8:26-29, Acts 4:4-9
V. Walks through open doors
Acts 8:30-32, Acts 7:1-2
The Prophetic is the most controversial of the 5 Fold ministry but today we will look at 5 important components of why we need the prophetic voices in the church today!
Opening verses: Eph 2:19-20, Eph 4:11-12
Main text: Acts 11:22-30
I. Exhortation Acts 11:23a, 1 Cor 14:3
II.Calls others to Covanent relationship with God Acts 11:23b, Matt 3:2, Matt 4:17
III. Called to community Acts 11:27, 1 Sam 19:20, 2 Kings 2:3
IV. Foretell things that will happen Acts 11:28, Acts 21:10-12
V. Connects to justice issues Acts 11:29-30, Isa 58:6, Matt 21:12-13
Prophetic characteristics: Exhorter, perceptive, principled, corrector, advocate, justice-minded, questioning, truth-teller, passionate, challenging, loyalist, cause-driven, reformer
Choose 2 to 3 of the prophetic characteristics that you feel most to define you and why.
What are the biggest challenges you face in demonstrating these characteristics?
What is one way you can improve on developing and maintaining relationships with others?
How can we explore the prophetic more at GLCC?
What do you feel God has been speaking to you lately that you can’t shake?
Title: Catalyst
Opening passages: Eph 4:11-16, *the next three are parallels of each other, Matt 10:1-4, Mark 3:13-19, Luke 6:12-16
Starting the year off exploring the Five-ministry and which will continue to be developed throughout the year. Today we are looking at 4key ways the apostolic gifts function.
Main passage: Acts 6:1-7
I. Guards core culture Acts 6:2
II. Innovates new systems Acts 6:3
III. Empowers others Acts 6:3, 6
IV. Promotes organic growth Acts 6:7