Pastor Pedro Vazquez with a message called Investing Into Eternity
Pre-message clip:
Luke 16:8-9
I. Why do we Invest?
1. We Invest To Further God’s Work
Acts 4:33b – 4:35 Matthew 6:19-21
2. We Invest to Care for our Families.
Eccl. 5:13-14 Proverbs 22:6 NKJV Proverbs 13:22a
II. How should we make good Investment Decisions.
1. Before You Invest, Pay Off Your Debts
Proverbs 22:72. Before you Invest, Set Money aside in an Emergency Fund
Prov. 6:6-8
3. Before you Invest, Seek God’s Direction in Prayer & Counsel
James 1:5 Prov. 12:15
4. Diversify your Investments
Eccl. 11:1-2 (Both NIV & NLT)
Ecc 5:18-20