Saturday, February 27, 2021

Money Matters Week 4 "How Much is Enough?" - Pastor Joshua Miller

 Title: How Much Is Enough

Opening clip: (play to 1:10)

Opening verse: Prov 27:20

Paul lays out 3 key strategies needed to getting to a place of contentment.

Main passage: Phil 4:11-13

Choose between wants and needs

Phil 4:11, Phil 4:19

Ride the financial roller coaster

Phil 4:12, Psa 37:25

Jesus is enough

Phil 4:13, Gen 15:1, Psa 37:4, Isa 55:2

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Money Matters Week 3 - "My Spending Habits"- Widukind Nicholas

My Spending Habits

John 6:10-12

I- Where does my money come from?

John 6: 11

Genesis 22:14

James 1:17.

II- Do I have enough money?

John 6:10

Philippians 4:19

1 Timothy 6:6-8

III- How much money do I need?

John 6:12

Luke 14:28

Psalms 20:4

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Money Matters Week 2 - "Make or Break" - Pastor Joshua Miller

 Title: Make or Break

Intro: Please play till 3:04

Main passage: Luke 16:8-13

This is one of the most interesting parables Jesus uses to teach us some very important lessons on stewardship.

People are the best investment

Luke 16:8-9, Prov 11:25

Be faithful small ways

Like 16:10-11, Matt 25:21

Take care of what doesn’t belong to you

Luke 16:12, Psa 24:1

Dont let money rule you

Luke 16:13, Luke 12:28-31

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Money Matters Week 1 - "Drowning" - Pastor Joshua Miller

 Opener: How we handle our money matters.

Luke 16:11

Intro: Psalms 37:21, Rom 13:8

We’ll look at nine tips to getting our heads above water financially.

Pray about it

Phil 4:6, 1 John 5:14

Develop a debt free mindset

Rom 12:2a

List your debts according to priority

Don’t go deeper

Prov 22:7

List your belongings

Prov 27:23

Establish a spending plan

Prov 21:20

Consider adding additional income

Prov 31:16-17, 24

Consider a radical change of lifestyle

I Tim 6:6-7

Don’t give up

Gal 6:9