Sunday, October 25, 2020

Kingdoms and Politics Week 4

 Judges 21:25

Main Texts

Romans 13:1-7 1Peter 2:13-17

I. Respect for Authorities (Rom. 13:1-2) (1Pet. 2:13-14a) (1Kings 12:15) (Acts 5:29)

II. Reason for Authorities (Rom. 13:3-4) (1Pet. 2:14b-15) (Acts 16:35-39) (Eccl.


III. Responsibility Towards Authorities (Rom. 13:5-7) (1Pet. 2:16-17) (Mark 12:17)

(Matt. 17:24-27)

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Kingdoms and Politics Week 3

 This weeks sermon starts with a special mission report by Anita Charleston, before the message from Pastor Josh

Title: Choose

Main passage: 2 Chron 19:1-7

4 questions to ask of your candidates that will help you choose wisely at the polls. 

I. Do they stand for what God hates?

2 Chron 19:2, Prov 6:16-19

II. Is there a record of removing things God hates?

2 Chron 19:3a, 1 Kings 15:11-13

III. Which one would be more likely to seek God?

2 Chron 19:3b, Psa 33:12

IV. Who would choose leaders concerned with justice?

2 Chron 19:5-7, Psa 94:20-21

Conclusion: Phil 3:20-21. 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Kingdoms and Politics Week 2

 Title: Dan the Man

3 Needed Traits For believers during turbulent political climates.

I. Intelligence

Dan 1:3-4, Dan 1:17-19, Prov 4:7, Col 2:8

II. Integrity

Dan 1:8, Dan 3:16-18, Dan 6:6-11, 1 Per 3:16

III. Influence

Dan 2:27-28, Dan 2:46-49, Rom 12:21

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Kingdom and Politics Week 1

 Title: King Me 

Let’s take a look at three important roles a “king” plays. 

Main passage: 1 Sam 8:4-8, 17-22

I. A king that provides1 Sam 8:19-20a (that we also may be like all the nations…), Psa 23:1-2

II. A king that presides1 Sam 8:20b (and that our king may judge us..), psa 23:3,6

III. A king that protects 1 Sam 8:20c (and go out before us & fight our battles), Psa 23:4-5