Sunday, September 27, 2020

Awakening Week 4 - Road Call - Pastor Joshua Miller

 3 travel tips on the road to discovering Jesus 

Main passage Luke 24:28-35

I. Desire to have Jesus stay
Luke 24:29, John 6:67-68
II. Invite Christ in
Luke 24:29-30, John 1:12
III. Break bread with Jesus
Luke 24:30, Rev 3:20

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Awakening Week 2 - Uncomfortable Yet? - Pastor Joshua Miller

 Title: Uncomfortable Yet

Jacob on the Patriarchs was taken way out of his comfort zone which ultimately led to an important spiritual awakening.

Main passage: Gen 28:10-21
I. Awakening often occur when you are sleep
Gen 28:12-13a, 16-17, Num 12:6, Joel 2:28
II. Awakenings start with one
Gen 28:13b-15, Isa 51:2
III. Awakenings inspire commitment
Gen 28:18-22, Exod 3:1-17, Acts 9:1-6
Conclusion: Gen 32:24-31

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Awakening Week 1 - Finish Line - Pastor Joshua Miller

 Title: Finish Line

We will take a look at 3 training tips that will ensure that we stay in the race.

Main passage: Heb 12:1-3

I. Fling it off

Heb 12:1, 1 Peter 5:7, Col 3:5-6

II. Fix your eyes

Heb 12:2, Psa 121:1

III. Fight the fatigue

Heb 12:3, Isa 40:28-31

We watch this video during the 3rd point, you can stop the video at 3:45