Sunday, April 26, 2020

The House Week 4 - House Rules - Pastor Joshua Miller

Main passage: Heb 10:19-25

I. Draw near to God
Heb 10:22, Gen 3:7-8, 20

II. Hold fast your confession
Heb 10:23, I Cor 2:2

III. Stir up the gifts in others
Heb 10:24, Rom 12:5-8

IV. Come together
Heb 10:25, Matt 24:10-14, Psa 122:1

Sunday, April 19, 2020

The House Week 3 - The Home has Become the Church - Elder Angel Cruz

Home has become the church. 
Niv 2 cor10:5
NlT Isaiah 54:17
Niv Luke 10:38-42
Niv act1:8
Niv act 1:12-14
Niv act 2:1,2,4
Niv acts 1:8
Niv eph2:10
Niv Matt 11:28

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The House Week 2 - Meet Me in Galilee - Pastor Joshua Miller

Main passage Matt 28:1-10,16-20

I. Back to the familiar to launch into the unknown
Matt 28:10, 19a, Isa 43:19

II. Be the church
Matt 28:19-20a, 2 Cor 5:20

III. Behold Jesus
Matt 28:10b, 17, 20b, Psa 34:1

Sunday, April 5, 2020

The House Week 1 - Reset - Pastor Joshua Miller

Main passage:Matt 21:12-16
Jesus points out 4 reset areas for His Church
I. Prayer
Matt 21:12-13, Isa 56:7

Pt 1: Show pictures of the temple

II. People
Matt 21:13, 14a, 15b, Rom 15:17
III. Power
Matt 21:14, James 5:15
IV. Proclamation
Matt 21:15-16, Deut 32:3, Psa 118:17