Sunday, October 27, 2019

Roots Week 4 - Broken Branches - Pastor Joshua Miller

The final week in our "Roots" series,  Broken Branches

Main Passage: Rom 11:11-24
I. Share the root
Rom 11:17, Gal 3:9
II. Scared by grace
Rom 11:18-20, Luke 5:26
III. Show kindness
Rom 11:21-24, Rom 2:4

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Roots Week 3 - Take the City - Andrew Chalmers

Special Guest Andrew Chalmers of Take the City speaks this week as part of our Roots series.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Roots Week 2 - Remember - Pastor Joshua Miller

Pastor Josh explores some of the history of Gospel Light in a message called "Remember"

Opening: Deut 16:16
Main Passage: Lev 23:39-43
I. Remember Dependence on God
Lev 23:39, Psa 20:7
II. Remember our fragility
Lev 23:42, Psa 39:5
III. Remember the journey
Lev 23:43, Neh 8:17-18, Psa 77:11-14

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Roots Week 1 - Why Israel? - Pastor Joshua Miller

In a month where we celebrate Israel, Pastor Josh launches our October series, Roots.
Title: Why Israel?
Main Passage: Gen 12:1-3
I. Place
Gen 12:1, 4-7, Gen 17:8, Gen 26:1-3, Gen 35:10-12
II. People
Gen 12:2a, Deut 7:6-7, Rom 11:1
III. Promise
Gen 12:2b-3a, Deut 7:8
IV. Purpose
Gen 12:3b, Isa 49:6, John 4:22