Sunday, December 27, 2015

Forgetting the Past and Pressing Forward - Pastor Pedro Vazquez

Main Text:  Phil. 3:12-14
I. Forgetting What is Behind
Isaiah 43:18
II. Pressing Toward What is Ahead
1Cor. 9:23-27 Message Bible
Rom. 3:10 2 Corinthians 5:21 Phil. 3:14
Public Confession: “I boldly confess that I am focused, concentrated, and determined to
run my race! God has called me and anointed me; therefore, I can do exactly what He has
asked me to do. I have no excuse for failure or any reason to slow down or quit, for God’s
Spirit in me is ready to empower me to run this race all the way to the finish. Doing it
halfway will never do, so I am committed to seeing this all the way through! I declare this
by faith in Jesus’ name! Amen!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Rejoice - Pastor Joshua Miller

Pastor Josh talks about the JOY of Advent,

Luke 1: 39-56

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Bearing Fruits of Repentance = Pastor Pedro Vazquez

Main Text: Luke 3:7-18
Key Verse: Luke 3:8 
Isaiah 40:3 Greek word for repentance: metánoia

1. Humility (Luke 3:7-8)
2. Urgency (Luke 3:9a)
James 2:10
3. Change (Luke 3:9b)
John 14:23-24 Luke 3:10-14
4. Dependance (Luke 3:16)
Isaiah 41:10

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Second Sunday of Advent: Preparation - Pastor Amy Vazquez

Pastor Amy continues our Advent series with this message :Preparation

Luke 1